
Holders of the project

Associated beneficiary : General Council Charente-Maritime 

Municipalities in which the project LIFE take place

LIFE projects of European Commission

  • LIFE, European Commission: LIFE is the European Union's financial instrument supporting environmental, nature conservation and climate action projects throughout the EU.
LIFE programmes working at the protection of diferent species of mussels throughout Europe :

  • LIFE pearl mussel : LIFE09 NAT/FR/000583
     Conservation of the freshwater Pearl Mussel in the Armorican basin.
  • LIFE ecological continuity : LIFE04NAT/FR/000082

    Implementation and analysis of experimental technics of management, conservation and restoration of water qualitu for habitats and species connected to the headwater stream.
  • LIFE PNR Périgord Limousin
    Preservation of the Pearl Mussel and restoration of the ecological continuity of the Haute Dronne.

  • LIFE Kerry  : LIFE13 NAT/IE/000144

    Sustainable land management for the conservation of the freshwater pearl mussel.
  • LIFE Raptor
    Connecting and restorating habitats for Hen harrier, Merlin, Atlantic salmon and Brook lamprey in Duhallow.

  • LIFE Potamo Fauna : LIFE12 NAT/ES/001091
    Recovering and long-term conservation of several endangered species of river fauna of European interest.
  • LIFE Ardmouperl : LIFE05 NAT/L/000116
    Restoration of the pearl mussel populations of Ardennes.

  • Resto-unio : LIFE11 NAT/LU/000857
    Restoration of the Luxemburg Ardennes rivers.

  • LIFE pearl mussel : LIFE02 NAT/B/008590

    Conservation of the pearl mussel habitats

  • LIFE FPMSWE : LIFE04 NAT/SE/000231

    Conservation of the freshwater pearl mussel and its habitats..

  • LIFE pearl mussel : LIFE97 NAT/FIN/004086
    Restoration of the pearl mussel ecosystem.